Author Topic: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3  (Read 20888 times)

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Offline sportsfan882

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #375: August 15, 2009, 11:52:53 PM »
yeah ... and i know when they argued in the dugout in pittsburgh last year a lot of people were questioning wtf was going on with those two.

but you have to give credit that dukes - at least on the surface - looks to have changed his attitude and is a more positive, obedient player.  in every post game interview it sounds like he's crediting his teammates in key points of the game and praising his manager (he's been doing that up here and in all the broadcasts I listened to while he was in AAA).
Acta never liked Dukes from the day he was first brought here. Rarely gave him props in the media and pretty much ignored him in the dugout/locker room.

It's good to see Dukes doing well on and off the field.

Offline sportsfan882

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #376: August 15, 2009, 11:56:51 PM »
I agree with Ray, Bob, and Rob in their ripping of Boras and his attempt to blow the system out of the water but I thought their criticism of Strasburg was prematurely unfair.

If at 12:01 AM Tuesday morning he has not signed then and only then should he be ripped to shreds and left for dead.

Offline UMDNats

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #377: August 15, 2009, 11:57:39 PM »
I don't think Dibble, Carpenter, or Knight have anything against Strasburg as a person, I think they just hate Scott Boras and everything he represents. Strasburg is probably a good kid and I'm sure he'll be all smiles when he signs on Monday.

Kasten saying that they offered 12 million was GREAT. Now, if Strasburg doesn't sign, the Nats are not at fault in the eyes of the public, and everything lies on Strasburg and Boras.

Offline hammondsnats

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #378: August 15, 2009, 11:58:26 PM »
I don't think Dibble, Carpenter, or Knight have anything against Strasburg as a person, I think they just hate Scott Boras and everything he represents. Strasburg is probably a good kid and I'm sure he'll be all smiles when he signs on Monday.

Kasten saying that they offered 12 million was GREAT. Now, if Strasburg doesn't sign, the Nats are not at fault in the eyes of the public, and everything lies on Strasburg and Boras.

12 million won't get it done

Offline sportsfan882

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #379: August 16, 2009, 12:01:39 AM »
I don't think Dibble, Carpenter, or Knight have anything against Strasburg as a person, I think they just hate Scott Boras and everything he represents. Strasburg is probably a good kid and I'm sure he'll be all smiles when he signs on Monday.

Kasten saying that they offered 12 million was GREAT. Now, if Strasburg doesn't sign, the Nats are not at fault in the eyes of the public, and everything lies on Strasburg and Boras.
I hope it doesn't backfire. It's all on Strasburg. Does he want to be a National or not? We will find out what kind of person he is. If he doesn't sign for $12-15 million as sad as it would be it would be on the player.

Offline UMDNats

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #380: August 16, 2009, 12:05:50 AM »
I hope it doesn't backfire. It's all on Strasburg. Does he want to be a National or not? We will find out what kind of person he is. If he doesn't sign for $12-15 million as sad as it would be it would be on the player.

It was a great PR move by Kasten. He truly is one of the best PR guys I've ever seen. :worship:

Even if they only offered like 10.1 million dollars (which is still a hell of a lot of money), the public knows the Nats offered big-time money and if Strasburg turned it down he becomes a hated figure and laughed at all the way until next draft, and the Nats are martyrs who helped save the slotting system.

Offline Coladar

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #381: August 16, 2009, 12:54:54 AM »
12 million won't get it done

I'm finding this amazing as well. 12 million is, whether it's insane or not, a laughable offer 48 hours prior to the deadline for Strasburg. I've been thinking we would be literally blessed if Strasburg deemed $20-$25 million offer worth his signing and thus not going over to Japan and returning to the US a free agent. But $12m? Even $15m? A total joke given the reality of the situation and the player involved. Boras would physically stop Strasburg from signing any agreement that's less than double Prior's 2001 deal, if he had to put a gun to his head to do so. We don't get Strasburg for under $20m. Simple as that.

Of course Kasten playing the press = they decided to end discussions two days early. They've kept a tight lip because they know making a big deal in the press will cause the deal to go up another $10m given Boras' history. He doesn't like to be embarrassed, and Kasten clearly did just that. Bottom line, Kasten's comments guarantee we're not signing Strasburg for any amount. They obviously have no interest in pissing off MLB by breaking the draft, and thus in trying to low ball Boras saw how far that would get them. So they started the PR campaign preemptively to save face after losing Crow and Strasburg back to back years and thus we're seeing comments 60 hours before the deadline. Comments that clearly are of a tone one would expect after a deadline in which they didn't sign Strasburg.

Offline natsfan4evr

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #382: August 16, 2009, 07:50:53 AM »
I'm finding this amazing as well. 12 million is, whether it's insane or not, a laughable offer 48 hours prior to the deadline for Strasburg. I've been thinking we would be literally blessed if Strasburg deemed $20-$25 million offer worth his signing and thus not going over to Japan and returning to the US a free agent. But $12m? Even $15m? A total joke given the reality of the situation and the player involved. Boras would physically stop Strasburg from signing any agreement that's less than double Prior's 2001 deal, if he had to put a gun to his head to do so. We don't get Strasburg for under $20m. Simple as that.

Of course Kasten playing the press = they decided to end discussions two days early. They've kept a tight lip because they know making a big deal in the press will cause the deal to go up another $10m given Boras' history. He doesn't like to be embarrassed, and Kasten clearly did just that. Bottom line, Kasten's comments guarantee we're not signing Strasburg for any amount. They obviously have no interest in pissing off MLB by breaking the draft, and thus in trying to low ball Boras saw how far that would get them. So they started the PR campaign preemptively to save face after losing Crow and Strasburg back to back years and thus we're seeing comments 60 hours before the deadline. Comments that clearly are of a tone one would expect after a deadline in which they didn't sign Strasburg.
I couldn't disagree with your post more. He won't get 20 million. Boras can ask for whatever he wants, that doesn't mean he's going to get it. Despite what everyone says, the ultimate decision is Stephen's. Boras can try to persuade him, but he can't stop him.
15 million gets it done IMO.

Those comments don't mean anything. You are reading way too much into them. All they are doing is putting more pressure on Strasburg. This is a game and a business. Stop freaking out until 12:01 on Tuesday morning.

Offline mitlen

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #383: August 16, 2009, 08:51:20 AM »
Go find a Steelers board.

This is what I choose.   Pull my finger weed.

Offline mitlen

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Re: Nationals @ Reds, Game 3
« Reply #384: August 16, 2009, 08:53:18 AM »
Hope it's like that again next week.   Being a Steeler fan has made being a Nats fan much easier.   

Love the Nats.   I gave up on the Pirates in '92 when they lost late to Atlanta.   Since I gave up on 'em they haven't had a winning season (LOL)>