Annapolis is typically Oriole country, so I don't see the Nat's moving a Triple-A team there. Rumors are the O's want to put their Triple-A team in Harrisburg, where the Senators are looking to improve their stadium to Triple-A standards. That would leave the Nat's looking for a Double and Triple-A teams. I think they should put one team in Maryland, and another in Virginia. Maybe the Triple-A team in Richmond if the Braves move theirs, but if not put the team in Arlington, Vienna, Tysons Corner, or somewhere around there. Could put a Double-A team in Gaithersburg or Germantown, with little area to build in Rockville or Bethesda. Silver Spring maybe.
As for the Single-A Potomac Nationals, I just don't like that name. I mean, I like it, but I think it should be something different. I liked the name the Cannons. Personally, I think they should be the Woodbridge Cannons.