Author Topic: NFA -- Keith Law Talks Nationals (Read at your own Peril)  (Read 10490 times)

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Offline sportsfan882

  • Posts: 93631
I'd ask if you're serious but I'm not supposed to care :lol:

What Madison posted in the comments over there is exactly what rubs people the wrong way about him - he absolutely cannot resist firing back at the immature name-calling crowd with nasty generalizations (usually about the entire Nats' fanbase).  A person in his position should really be above all that.  One of the other commenters noted that being abrasive and derogatory is his "gimmick" much like Ann Coulter, and I'd have to agree.  At best, it seems like pandering to a low-brow crowd (hence why there are usually so many equally poorly-behaved commenters taking his side).  At worst, it's extremely immature and petty.  I don't doubt that he's a smart guy, but it's striking how he simply cannot muzzle himself.  Even his interview started off with a blatant insult (accusations of bias = lack of intelligence).  I guarantee you that a more constructive response could have been given.  But that's not his schtick.

And just for the record, I harbor no illusions that he only treats the Nats this way.  I feel quite confident he is this way with everyone he crosses paths with in life.
:clap: Law is an idiot plain and simple.