Who is that lady and how'd she get that gig?
She doesn't know the first thing about football. It's clear that she just repeats crap she hears and they always make fun of her about that. They've been poking fun at her lack of knowledge for a long time. She does post game interviews at games because I've seen her at the stadium asking players questions as they head to the locker rooms.
Yeah sometimes they'll have Tre Johnson, Monte Coleman, Ricky Ervins, Mark Mosely, Dexter Manley, George Starke, Joe Jacoby, Rich Milot and I've even seen James Brown (the commentator) in the house a couple of times.
Sometimes as they go away to commercials you can see Tony McGhee handing the guests their check for the appearance. Keep in mind that Tony McGhee's wife collects a check for being a consultant to the show. I think his daughter also gets a young slice of the pie.