frustrating loss. valiant attempt at a comeback...Bernadina isn't exactly who i want up there with the game on the line. Bernadina was outmatched. Montz should've remained as the pinch hitter.
it's a shame we can't sweep the HATED Mutts, but i will settle for 3/4 tomorrow after we beat the Mets "savior" Santana.
at least Dukes hit another MASSIVE homer!!! goodness gracious, that homer was a GARGANTUAN shot! got us back into the game. when Dukes connects, it's a no doubter. he continues to prove that he's an undeniable beast and a surefire *SUPERSTAR* in the making.
and regarding Alberto Gonzalez' inexcusable base running blunder...WHAT WAS HE THINKING?! WHERE WAS HE GOING?!