Author Topic: Book Thread  (Read 53231 times)

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Offline captkirk42

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Re: Buk Reedin' Thred (Book Thread)
« Reply #275: April 26, 2012, 01:01:24 PM »
I usually track my reading on but lately I haven't done any "reading" (other than news articles/reports online and various chat boards/forums). Books on tape have never been a thing I could get into. I'd rather read the thing myself. I don't have a kindle or nook or any of those e-reader things I prefer the feel of a real book in my hands and being able to turn the real pages. Holding a plastic and metal thing isn't the same. Sure I see their advantages being able to store several books in the space of one or less, but keeping a "library" of the books you might want to read again a few years later? Also I don't feel like reading from a palm pilot.

It has been a few weeks since I've made any progress in either of my current readings. Frankly I've had other things I've made bigger priorities and even more frankly I haven't been able to "get into" the books I'm reading. One of them is about book collecting, I had it on my night stand in my bedroom for before sleep reading but lately my sleeping has been the sort of "I'm tired let me lay down for a quick nap" (which becomes a several hours sleep) The other is a sci-fi story which I'm usually all over but it took a while to develop. One of the characters that is described in the synopsis sounding like one of the "Main" characters didn't appear until around page 150 or so. Also the book is a bit longer than I would like about 550 pages. it's called "Death Drop" by Sean Allen.