Author Topic: Legion of Doom 2012!!!  (Read 20518 times)

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Offline MarquisDeSade

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Re: Legion of Doom 2012!!!
« Reply #50: April 11, 2012, 08:54:22 PM »
LoD can't accept the concepts of building, prospects, improvement over time.

I can't speak for all of the LoD but that's not true for me.  Of course, I didn't follow the Nats until 2009 so what do I know.

Any time a reference is made to the team being built to contend, the LoD comes with [year + 2] function joke.

Only after they whiff on all of the impact Free Agents on the market.

The failure to sign free agent X dooms this team to years of failure.

Let's see how the team is doing offensively in September.

Hope is gullibility and acceptance of the current team leadership.

Not all of us enjoy a good assramming by the cheap misers running the team like it's NJ Turnpike rest stop souvenir stand.  Some of us want the OWNERSHIP GROUP to show they're not using this team as an annuity stream and actually trying to build a baseball culture.  That we didn't have a FanFest and not a word was said about it by the team, really speaks volumes about the team's leadership.   Hell, the Potbelly down the street has next to NO Nats swag.  How hard would it have been for the team to send someone down with a couple of pennants and game used gear to spice the place up?  Too hard I suppose.

When the Nats do sign a free agent, it is just what is to be expected and not a sign that the management may have a plan on how to build a team. 

If the plan is not pulling the trigger on trading for needed pieces or signing FAs, sure.  The plan so far has been a lot of suck for draft picks and pray that medical cases and past their primes/never weres pan out.