Author Topic: Follow The Prospects: Destin Hood, OF  (Read 76766 times)

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Re: Follow The Prospects: Destin Hood
« Reply #175: May 22, 2011, 05:31:22 PM »
I get the sentiment that if he's hitting .350 with extra base and HR power, that he should be promoted.

In general, I would agree with that idea. Someone like Harper, should be promoted IMO. While he's got things to work on, he can work on those things at a higher level while being challenged.

But with someone like Hood, who was drafted as a raw player, and although improving, still is pretty raw. Promoting them too early could hinder his progress. Personally, I am of the opinion that most players should spend a full season at the early stops. Once you reach AA, all bets are off. If you're raking at AA for two months, you should be in AAA, or even given a shot at the bigs if there is a spot. A lot of development goes on in those first couple years, and having success while developing those skills means a lot. For a guy who's biggest issue is plate discipline, I don't think promoting him after a few months of his first success in that role is the best decision. On the other hand, if the kid's got it, he's got it. You dont know that without challenging him. A Harper you can challenge early. A raw kid like Hood, I think you show more patience. Just my opinion.

I wouldnt be against him being promoted for the playoffs or for a week or two at the end just for a bit of a taste. I just think promoting him with a couple months left could be trouble if he goes into a funk for those final two months. Everything he builds at Potomac would go into the crapper.