Author Topic: Bryce Harper artwork  (Read 11687 times)

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Offline cincysportsart

  • Posts: 58
Re: Bryce Harper artwork
« Reply #75: April 14, 2011, 11:03:34 PM »
Just got back from Lexington last night.  Took in 3 games in 2 nights...great stuff.  Had my customary front-row seats, almost right on top of the on deck circle.  Got to see Harper's 1st "official" professional home run last night, and almost wound up taking it home with me...but missed it by a matter of moments after a guy beat me to the exterior of the stadium.  Still a great moment, and I'm hoping Harper will sign my ticket through the mail...though he wasn't what one would consider "gracious" with signing autographs before or after the games I attended.  Wasn't all that many people there, so it's not like he was surrounded and bombarded with autograph hounds.  Oh well, still had an amazing time.  I've attached one of the hundreds of pics I took.

Anyone know how good he is at signing items through the mail?  Just curious.  Anyways, still awaiting word from the Suns...but will be "moving on" soon if I don't hear anything back sometime soon.  I'll be putting Harper in a "red" Nats jersey if I don't hear something from Hagerstown.  Take care everyone!