Author Topic: Minty's "do you still play" thread  (Read 60028 times)

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Offline Minty Fresh

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Re: Minty's "do you still play" thread
« Reply #100: July 08, 2010, 09:27:00 AM »
Busted up my throwing thumb real good last night (recap of how it happened in the venting thread).  But I did have a great moment after busting the thumb...

We play seven innings and in the bottom of the seventh with two outs, the opposition loads the bases and we have a one-run lead.  With darkness setting in, their cleanup hitter rips a single to centerfield.  As the tying run scores, our CF throws a two-hop strike to me covering the plate.  The ball arrives just ahead of the person who represents the winnnig run and as I receive the ball and turn to apply the tag, the guy decides to slide (sparing me, but for reasons I know not).  As I turn he does raise his extended leg up and his spikes catch me right in the chest protector and I hang onto the ball and fall backwards.  The umpire immediately calls him out and the opposing manager comes out and starts arguing that I never tagged him.  As I'm lying there I look up and tell the umpire, "don't worry, he never touched the plate."  As the opposing manager starts in on me and calling "BULLcrap!," I roll over and say, "it would be impossible for him to have touched the plate since I was lying down on top of it."  The manager then conceded his argument and the game ended in a tie.

So, I didn't preserve the win, but I did prevent the loss.

Now I have to spend the day figuring out if my thumb will be good enough to play in my game tonight.