Author Topic: Google Thread  (Read 43710 times)

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Offline JMW IV

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Re: Google Thread
« Reply #100: February 10, 2010, 10:35:18 PM »
So after some more reading, I seemed to have found a middle ground between my "there's nothing wrong" and Chief's "WOE IS US" standpoint.

it seems that this world-shaking privacy problem is only happening to people who do not already have Google Profiles when they activate Buzz.  Buzz has them create a Google Profile, and then does the AUTOMATED LIST OF EVERYONE YOU'VE EVER TALKED TO thingy. have to then go to their profiles and disable the option and/or stop following the people they don't want broadcast.

people who already had google profiles (like me), don't seem to be affected by this. why? I don't know.

but the chatter indicates this to be the case.

that's reasonable to me. I'm going to delete my Google Profile and then start Buzz fresh. we'll see if I have the same horrifying privacy issue that everyone else in the world has. If so, then fine, you're right, Google is a horrible intrusive evil company. and stuff.

that would mean that you aren't crazy and paranoid like I say, and I'm not just ignoring crap because its Google like you say.

and speaking from my experience with a produce = shaking pom poms?

I suppose if you said "all laptops don't work" and I said "mine does", then I'd be "shaking the Laptop Pom-Poms"?