Author Topic: Question for any/everyone who have had their wisdom teeth extracted?  (Read 3341 times)

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Offline metssuck

  • Posts: 5925
  • Werth on a roll!!!!
Thnx for the repsonses everybody. I appreciate it
If you had five impacted wisdom teeth, that's a lot of dental work.

My mouth hurt for a solid week when I had four done. I woke up one morning surprised that the pain had gone away pretty suddenly ...but this was 30 years ago, so things may have gotten better.

The holes will be healed over before the doc takes the stitches out. Don't start eating hard pretzels, though, you could re-open them. It'll take quite a while for the gums to get all smooth.

Before you go to the docs, write down every question you have. I type them up and hand the doctor a copy. Otherwise, I forget 90% of them. It's goofy, but it works.

You said a solid week for the pain to go away. It's been a week as of today, but the pain is still aggravating. I cant wait to wake up and it go away. I took a stand yesterday though. It was some bad pain but i refused the painkillers. I'm just going to wing it and hope it goes away. I was taking a lotta of pain killers the first week post-operation and i decided enuff was enuff.

I start school on Monday and really hope the pain is gone by then. I dont want to feel anything while i'm doing my core course.

But i'm done with the painkillers. I'm still taking the antibiotics, though.