Author Topic: What made you a Nats fan?  (Read 9241 times)

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Offline wpa2629

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Re: What made you a Nats fan?
« Reply #75: June 01, 2009, 02:49:01 PM »
Since living in Bermuda and having no real sport to watch, I started watching baseball.  Thought I'd follow the Cubs, but that didn't feel right.  Noticed what a shocking record the Nats have this season, and hence they became my team.  I can fly straight there from here too.  Never seen them play, but hey, my football team back home (I'm English) has won diddly squat in 102 years, so I'm in no rush.

I have no idea what the rules are, other than the basics, so I may be on here a few times asking to what you guys would be pretty basic stuff, such as what does RBI mean?  Oh, and a pizza glove, and a snow cone catch.  What are your commentators on?  :-)

Welcome aboard -- My Dad TOTALLY digs your shorts ... the black socks with the sandals is a particularly hawt look for him ... :)

Ask away -- tons of knowledgeable baseball folks here ... happy to have you on the Nats Bandwagon ...

RBI ... Runs Batted In ... when a hitter hits the ball and another guy scores, that's an RBI
Pizza Glove -- I think is just a big glove that some players use at first base, etc.,
Snow Cone catch is a ball that is caught on the very edges of the glove that some of the ball is sticking out -- and it looks like a "snow cone"