Author Topic: Will MLB force the Angelos family to sell the Nats TV rights to the Lerners?  (Read 4362 times)

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Online Slateman

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Bringing in much more revenue from local TV has a correlation to how much an owner is willing to spend. I understand there's no way anybody can pay the Nationals for local TV what the Phillies, Dodgers, Yankees etc. get, but it's not a level playing field. If an owner can use TV money for marquee players, there's more interest, higher ratings, more attendance, more jerseys purchased etc.

Obviously fans want the owner to spend and I'm in the minority, but I don't think this offseason was the right time to go after the big name free agents. After the Nationals find out what they have in the rebuilding process this year, next offseason will be the time to fill in the holes. The Nationals have spent in the past to fill in the holes to get them over the top, we'll see if they do this time when the time is right.

I think the Orioles should be criticized for not signing a big time pitcher this offseason because they are where the Nats are trying to get to.
Bullcrap. By that definition, the Red Sox should be throwing cash away. Same for the Cubs and White Sox. Hell Oakland is a top 10 media market. Tampa is top 15.

Again 200 million. Every team in baseball is making AT LEAST 200 million whether they bring in a single fan or a single person watches their broadcast.

Its greed, pure and simple. The owners dont want to spend. The money is there to spend but they dont care about the on field results. They are more interested in maximizing profits.