Author Topic: Harper reflections at the Zimmerman retirement  (Read 1873 times)

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Online dracnal

  • Posts: 1697
Baseball is just a lazy game by nature. It's something that you can have on in the background while you grill or have a few beers with friends. My wife watches it to fall asleep at night. It's just the nature of the game. There is nothing fast paced and there is no frenetic energy. Pretending that speeding up pitches will help seems ridiculous to me.

Only reason I think it might help was a game I attended way the hell back with my dad. It was one of Shairon Martis's early (and few) starts. He pitched the entire game, start to finish and the gametime was 2:05. By far the easiest game to keep mentally involved in for me, ever. Usually my attention wanders pretty hard unless I'm keeping score and noting pitch sequence in the AB.