Author Topic: P-Nats near deal with county for new stadium  (Read 6743 times)

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Offline CALSGR8

  • Posts: 11620
Because they want to appeal to a broader fan base then just Prince William County

Brief History Off the top of my head.  Forget when they started using Potomac instead of Prince William (PW)

Alexandria Dukes - Seattle/Pirates
Prince William - Pirates - Pittsburgh - Bonds
PW - Yankees - NY - Bernie Williams, Jorge Posada,
PW - Cannons - NY Yankees/Chicago White Sox - Magglio Ordonez
PW - Cannons - St. Louis Cards -
Potomac - Cannons - St. Louis - Rick Ankiel (Pujols may have come thru here but not for long)
Potomac - Cannons - Reds
Potomac - Nationals

I'd have to check the Potomac Nationals Website to research the teams.  I may have St. Louis and Cincinnati turned around.  Not sure.

Corrected with Sens 2005 comments