Author Topic: DUMB JOKE  (Read 49315 times)

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Offline saltydad

  • Posts: 3722
« Reply #125: February 19, 2008, 05:41:38 PM »
Hello Ma?"

"Shirley darling, what's the problem?"

"Oh, Ma, I don't know where to begin. The kids are sick with the flu. The fridge just broke. The sink is leaking, and in two hours the women from the sisterhood are coming. What should I do?"

"Shirley darling, don't worry. I'm going to get on a bus and go into the City. Then I'll take the train out to Long Island. Then I'll walk the two miles from the station to your house. I'll take care of the kids, cook a nice lunch for the ladies, and I'll even make dinner for Barry."

"Barry -- who's Barry?"

"Barry -- your husband."

"But Ma, my husband's name is Steve. Is this 536-3530?"

"No, it's 563-3530."


"So does that mean you're not coming?"