Author Topic: What are you listening to? (2015)  (Read 25724 times)

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Offline dracnal

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Re: What are you listening to? (2015)
« Reply #225: April 01, 2015, 12:08:57 PM »
And no green m and ms.  If you watch the video of panama, at about the 3:40 mark Eddie gives Dave a look of death.  What are the odds that they make it with Dave to the JLL show in August?

I think it was brown M&M's.  But that one wasn't actually about being a prima donna. It had to do with riders.  They had a very long and detailed document with the precise fire, electrical and safety information they required spelled out.  If they got to a gig and it didn't have the M&M bowl (this was buried somewhere in the middle of the safety riders), they knew they needed to have their own safety people review the whole place to make sure it was okay to play.

Essentially, it was a way to doublecheck the venue's attention to detail, rather than just be random knobs.