Author Topic: What are You or your kids going to be for Halloween  (Read 7587 times)

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Offline NatsAddict

  • Posts: 4099
We're going to complete our new coffin this weekend.  The kids have to come up to the "altar" to get their candy.  I'll be dressed as the grim reaper with a Scream mask and skeletal gloves.  The altar has a skeletal candelabra and fog machines going.  The jack-o-lantern will be the dead body in the coffin.  The fog will hide some of the spiders and bats that are hung about 4 or 5 feet above the ground.  The front yard will have a bunch of tombstones.  We were planning on having the kids reach into the guts (actually scrunched up red jello in a semi-clear plastic box that was illuminated from beneath) of the corpse to get their candy.  But, there is a case of that staph infection at the nearby elementary school, so we'll be handing it out instead.

I make the kids at least earn their treat - I don't hand out candy until they said, "Trick or Treat."   About 10 or 15 years ago, one little guy came dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.  Neither myself nor his mother could get a peep out of him.  So I asked him what a Ninja does.  That got to him, and he demonstrated a karate kick.  And I went to the garage to get the ladder so I could get his shoe off my roof.