Author Topic: The "Stephen Strasburg is not an Ace" Thread (2014)  (Read 106491 times)

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Offline Mattionals

  • Posts: 5761
Because he's mentally weak and lets errors and weather and who knows what else affect his pitching, he's too much of a baby when things go wrong and doesn't pick up his teammates by pitching to his potential and instead falls apart, there I said it.

How much of that is mindfact?  Not trying to say you are wrong, but I feel that the media and Davey had more to do with that the last few years.  If you saw any of Stras's interview after last nights game he said HE made bad pitches.  He put that loss on HIMSELF, not on Zim's throw.  He even said that he wanted to make a point that he wants to distance himself from getting discouraged like he did last year.

I'm not trying to be sunshiny, but everyone calling him a mental midget are just getting annoying.  He is a very good pitcher, and while I admit he isn't an ace yet, he is still a dominating pitcher with great stuff and still has a lot left to learn in this game.  Look more into the Braves really hitting well, which is something that we know they are capable of doing and that even the best have a bad game or two.  Let's see what he does in his next few starts to see if he learns from it and gets the ball down in the zone and respects hitters better.