Author Topic: Tornadoes  (Read 2541 times)

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Offline tomterp

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Re: Tornados
« Reply #50: May 24, 2013, 09:12:32 PM »

Do not rebuild there at all.
Do not use taxpayer's money to rebuild there, not one penny.

Insurance companies were finally allowed to refuse insurance to people who kept rebuilding in the flood areas of the Mississippi River.  If you want to rebuild in a known disaster area, do so at your own risk.

Now wait a minute.  I've never heard of a tornado zone before.  Are you saying nobody should be allowed to build in the Texas panhandle or in Oklahoma? 

There's virtually no comparison in risk level between a flood zone (almost certain to incur a loss) versus a random place in Tornado alley, where the fact that a tornado might pass through a couple of times is simply a random occurrence, as far as the current state of science can inform us at present.