Author Topic: Movie Recommendations/Want To See List  (Read 182181 times)

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Offline Lintyfresh85

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Re: Movie Recommendations/Want To See List
« Reply #1175: May 12, 2013, 08:27:26 AM »
Still haven't watched Amazing Spider-Man, nor sure I will anytime soon. Reboot, too soon. Hell, still haven't watched Daredevil, Elektra, either FF movie, the Wolverine standalone, Green Lantern, either Ghost Rider... Prolly less I've seen than those I have.

I'm one of the few that seemed to like the new Spider-Man movie, but I thought it was worth it.

Daredevil - Meh
Elektra - Skip it
Fantastic Four 1 - Meh
Fantastic Four 2 - Skip it
Wolverine standalone - Skip it
Green Lantern - SKIP IT
Ghost Rider 1 - Ok
Ghost Rider 2-  Haven't seen it

Prometheus is equally one of the best of the past decade, just rewatched it again. The whole Jesus Christ was an alien, who we killed and earned annihilation because of our crime? Damn. Just damn. The Christmas sprinkles in the story, the faith/atheist dynamic. Such a beautiful and intricately desigined plot. In this vein, I've gotten back on an Event Horizon kick. Watched it several times this year again. Awesome movie. Just awesome. No creepy aliens, just sheer terror. Humans driven to kill themselves. Weir is a complex character, and not utterly unbelievable or bad. Just a man, flawed, but a man. Wormhole leading to Hell dimension, complete chaos? Such an amazing movie, one probably enhanced by the fact it was the very first movie my parents let me see by myself in the theatres (No G-rated crap first. Event Horizon was the absolute first time I sat alone in a theater, at the age of 12. Good parenting FTW!)

I'm sorry, but, WHAT?! Did I miss the whole spoiler part of the movie? I enjoyed it well enough, but I don't remember the spoiler part at all.

#1 with a bullet? Riddick. About damn time. That franchise is epic. Most thought the sequel tried too hard, did too much, compared with the minimalist Pitch Black. And true enough, extremely bipolar franchise. I'm reluctant only because Riddick sounds like a return to Pitch Black instead of a followup to Chronicles. Say what you will about Chronicles, I still am blown away by the premise there. Everything. But that religion? I mean come on - the Necromancers were genius. In our universe, where life has one constant - death. Thus life is the aberration, and death the natural state of things in this world? It's mind blowing because you could totally see some nutjob cult coming to that conclusion on their own, and the sci-fi and mysticism dynamic of the film worked perfectly with a revolutionary concept. Hopefully that doesn't get dropped entirely from Riddick.

I too liked Chronicles, although it easily could have been an entirely different franchise the way it differed from Pitch Black. Hoping Diesel can give a strong third act to the series.