Author Topic: playoff roster & rotation (merged)  (Read 8598 times)

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Offline nfotiu

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Playoff rotation
« Reply #50: September 29, 2012, 07:55:24 AM »
If we don't clinch in the next 3 games mes, we have to pitch gio in his turn on Tuesday, which rules him out for game 1 if we end up in the 2 seed.   (on a side note, why does espn's schedule have Wang pitching Monday in place of lannan ?)

Does that mean we go Zimmermann, gio, Jackson, Detwiler, Zimmermann?   Even if do wrap up early, I don't see how they get gio available on Saturday with normal rest, probably wouldn't skip his start altogether, and doubt they want to do something funky like have him pitch 3 innings Tuesday. It seems like that will be our rotation if we play the Giants.

And they'd be set up for gio, Zimmermann, Detwiler, Jackson if we're the top seed.