Author Topic: Out of state Nationals Die Hard... Anyone else got that Natitude?  (Read 1288 times)

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Offline lastobjective

  • Posts: 4751
  • Natitude
My Nationals framed memorabilia is something else as well. My dad worked for the Washington Post (laborer, not a writer) and got me the actual press plates that the newspapers were printed on from the inaugural game. I have one piece framed with the press plate, the Opening Day program, the inaugural ticket stub vs the Diamondbacks, the ticket stub for their first away game ever versus the Phillies, and a ticket stub for their first ever Spring Training game versus the Mets. This is one of seven items that I have since had framed. Now I get to work on my eighth piece... the tickets and program from their first ever playoff game (as well as a picture with my father who is aging quickly unfortunately). Anyways, my living room is a shrine to the Nationals. Any die hards like myself out there? I know I can't be alone...

That is AWESOME!!! Do you have a picture of the press plates? I'd love to see them!

And there are diehards on here like  you! You have some serious dedication, congrats and good luck!