Author Topic: Nats 2013 Projected Payroll, Needs, and Possible Solutions  (Read 7321 times)

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Offline Smithian

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Re: Re: Follow the Prospects: Anthony Rendon, 3B
« Reply #75: August 11, 2012, 02:10:57 AM »

Look, Smithian.  If we wanted to keep score on who is simplifying the case of others taking an opposite view, that kind of BS would take the cake.  Your treating any skepticism about current performance as baseless.  You are simplifying the discussion of Detwiler and Morse down to nothing but baseless hate.  As I've said to others, make your case based on a convincing argument and not the unicorns and rainbows.

You said saying Ross Detwiler might not in the long term be better than most of the Hall of Fame quality pitchers in MLB over the past 20 years us just over emphasizing peripherals.  Saying he's a mid-3s ERA pitcher is baseless and that he will continue to be a sub 3 ERA pitcher for his career.  Heck, I have been a fanboy of him for the past 3 or 4 years and I  am not flinging that sort of monkey poo against the wall.  It may even be reasonable to point out he is a lefty with a hard sinker and that is the type of pitcher who often beats projections (which is something acknowledges by sabermetricians if you took the time to read what you criticize), but to just say to ignore the history of baseball and a lot of research before you for an opinion is no better than pointing to a couple of ABs by Kurt Suzuki and saying "I told you so."

As for Morse, look at my signature.  I've followed his career probably a lot longer than you have. Admittedly, I did it from a fantasy perspective from the first time he was called up, but I think I don't qualify as a hater.  Structuring a roster means making some hard decisions and occasionally selling high if you can.  To recognize that there are aspects of his plate discipline, physique, injury history, etc... that make him less than an ideal candidate for a 4+ year contract is not hate.  If you want to call those considerations "peripherals," OK, but recognize that the warning you see on stock purchases (past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns) also applies to baseball players as they age. If it is reasonable to project what Bryce Harper will do in a few years based of the learning curve and age, then it is not unreasonable to make similar points about Morse.
I never said Detwiler will continue to be amazing, but I do think even if his ERA goes up to around 3.3 he is still a top of the line pitcher. As far as Morse, he is getting beat up about his walk totals, but that isn't his game it seems. He is a free swinger with excellent power. I also think Morse will be fine for a few more years since he is doesn't have a ton of baseball on his legs like most guys his age. Also, I think he has been noted around WNFF lately for not being good defensively, but if he moves to 1B he is better than average. We here on WNFF loved him last year at first partly because his defense. He isn't Adam LaRoche, but he is above average. I think Morse could (not will) be our first baseman through at least 2014. I am mindfacting that he is a good athlete for his size and we know he has good power. We've been really spoiled by excellent play by LaRoche, but if he leaves we'll be more than ok with Morse.

I do think Morse should be shopped around for a CF if LaRoche returns.

That and I made that post partly since I was on this thread again when he hit that one tonight. I was :metal: :woop: