Author Topic: Movie Recommendations/Want To See List  (Read 178208 times)

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Offline Coladar

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Re: Movie Recommendations/Want To See List
« Reply #400: June 12, 2012, 03:59:47 PM »
Journey 2 may be the worst movie ever made.

Never saw it, know next to zero about it because of the zero advertising campaign. But when it came out, it came out with zero fanfare and advertising. I don't get how Johnson's career fell the way it did. He should be the action star of the decade, and I say that honestly and as someone who hates fake wrestling. But the guy has an innate charisma few have, is likable, a decent actor, and awesome in zero plot line action flicks. It seems Tooth Fairy and going the Disney kid friendly route for a while destroyed his career in film. Aside from FF, where he's just one of many, he doesn't have much going. And it's a shame. For times when I want to sit back and watch a dude kill people and crap blow up, the Rock has my dollar.

Jason Statham is the same boat, basically. Should have blown up as one of the big action stars, but his career kind of stalled out, and is in declin right now. For the past five years, Statham, Johnson and Vin Diesel should have been the huge action film stars. And all three are sinking in murky waters. Meanwhile, we've got Shia LaBouffy and Taylor freaking Loutner starring in action films. Something is wrong with the world. Where have the Ahnolds, Seagals, Van Dammes of my childhood gone, starring in godawful action movies with zero plot, but you loved because they were charismatic, awesome and shooting and blowing crap up, and a good way to waste 80 minutes.