Author Topic: Nationals vs Phillies, Game 2  (Read 18934 times)

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Offline Jayman77

  • Posts: 247
Re: Nationals vs. Phillies, Game 2
« Reply #100: April 19, 2007, 02:52:12 PM »
It's been a recurring issue this season...  he hasn't changed any since last season, so I'm not sure why everyone is all of a sudden getting on his case.  Most of us here find his style amusing, but there are a few who take exception to it.  That is their right, of course, but I personally feel the sooner they accept him for the way he is and learn to laugh it off, the sooner we can all get back to business as usual.

Jayman77 hasn't been around much lately so it's understandable that he would be unaware of the situation, no harm done I say.
Yeah, I haven't been around here much, but I'm speaking from a different sort of experience.  Sportsfan does the same exact thing on the Washington Capitals message boards in every game thread, and since the Caps had a bad season, there was a constant stream of negative posts.  And there was no one that I recall who enjoyed reading that time and time again or "laughed it off."

It just gets really old.