Author Topic: Space. The Final Frontier.  (Read 80158 times)

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Offline Coladar

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Re: Space. The Final Frontier.
« Reply #375: January 10, 2013, 08:33:11 AM »
No way to Dead Space/Event Horizon. That would be some freaky stuff. At least Mass Effect is very diverse and friendly. I mean it spans the entire Milky Way galaxy!

Eh, I dunno. I love the concept of Event Horizon. The idea of opening the unknown with the first FTL ship has stuck with me over the years.

Way, way off topic, but even a firefly/Serenity type deal with Zombies in space. I really wish they'd do more space horror. With cell phones and crap, Slasher flicks are passe. Nothing beats the isolation of space and what it offers as a medium for video fiction. Alien, Prometheus, Event Horizon, Dead space or Doom 3 are some of the most spooky things you can watch.

I'll try to tie it back on topic with this: It also doesn't hurt to have space exploration in the public eye. Yeah, these space=evil things don't exactly urge lets go there rallies.

But now really back on topic; I can't be alone in finding it sickening the state of science fiction. For the love of Pete, we are 'in the future.' Permanent manned presence in space until they burn the ISS up. And what is there? Wow, a Star Trek movie every five years. Think of all the astrophysicists who swear on growing up watching Shatner as the sole motivation to pursue their career. Kids now? Even folks my age, nearing thirty? I don't think it's a coincidence our NASA budget is slashed to crap, humanity is stagnating exactly while space fiction is dead.

Somebody needs to come up with the next Trek. Because as much as this post began as a totally random space horror rant, I genuinely believe there is no better or faster way to get us off Earth than by inspiring imaginations by TV or film. BSG remake doesn't count for me as such an endeavor, and Stargate was too grounded on earth with absurd Egypt or Merlin crap and 'gates' for travel. Man going into space on a ship, with all our CG abilities now, someone needs to get on that crap. If for no other reason than the good of mankind and our species assured survival. I'm willing to bet a good sum Roddenberry did more for space flight and science than the Apollo missions. With that in mind, I really don't think I'm too far off base here tying real life and fiction together.