Author Topic: Morgan - "... it feels good to be in a baseball city"  (Read 6002 times)

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Offline Coladar

  • Posts: 2826

:lmao:  I totally hope Morgan shows up in "PR mode" and does something that you completely interpret as "showboating during an at bat" so you can look foolish. I seriously doubt it will take any physical restraining to keep you from going on the field.  :rofl:

:lmao:  This alone would make reacquiring Morgan for a month worth it.

Jesus, there's such a thing as not being serious, you realize? I find Morgan to be reprehensible as a person, made all the more irritating by the fact that at the time he pulled this crap, people were defending him left and right. There's no excuse for violence in baseball, and then not to apologize for it, take pride in it, then be defended by people left and right? Then spit in those people's faces the second you leave town? If you're still a member of the Morgan fan club after all of that, I hope I do seem like a psycho then. Like I said in my first post, I've despised Morgan all along. So imagine what his most recent comments took my opinions of him down to if everyone that defended his violence way back when as "Just being that hockey mentality," went from loving him to hating him. Likewise, this is the Internet, and people write crap they obviously don't mean. Having this jackass spit on us after everything he pulled, all the while having 99% of the fans defend him and rally around him? I'm proud to say I amped up the hyperbole to a factor of a thousand in my two rants. Morgan deserves nothing less. Add the fact that the same folks who criticized my comments saying what a lunatic Morgan was and how his actions were inexcusable are now on the anti-Morgan parade? Yeah...

Offline Obed_Marsh

  • Posts: 7593
I am getting curious if he will be a jackass and end up fighting with both the Nationals and Marlins. He might have a secret strategy to lead the league in HBP.

Offline Coladar

  • Posts: 2826
I am getting curious if he will be a jackass and end up fighting with both the Nationals and Marlins. He might have a secret strategy to lead the league in HBP.

These are all comments made in the media. He just left the team, there's no way unless he was a true clubhouse pariah, which he wasn't, that there's going to be any bad blood. Unless he's a true psychopath, and thinks he can only win the adoration of his new city by causing actual bad blood with guys he called his teammates a week ago, that we have to even consider that being a possibility.

If he comes into town badmouthing the team next week, then he really is a sociopath. Because he *just* left, with no bad blood, and quite a few of those guys should still be fairly close with him. But I wouldn't go into the series expecting there to be any tension or bad blood. If it actually happens, then maybe my hyperbole about Morgan isn't that hyperbolic...

Offline spidernat

  • Posts: 76956
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I've never been a member of the Morgan fan club. I don't give a crap how good a player is, I'm not a member of any player's fan club. I think he's an idiot and he is a bad baseball player but none of what he has done will make me hate him or any other player like this. That's ridiculous. But I have to  :lmao:  @ you talking all sorts of crap about Morgan and literally hating the man (I think you even posted that you hope a big pitcher kicks his ass) yet you feel insulted by what he said.

Offline Kevrock

  • Posts: 13788
  • That’s gonna be a no from me, doge.

Offline daggerrrrrr

  • Posts: 583
Where's Henry Rowengartner when you need him. I think a 110mph fastball to Morgan's ribs should humble him a little bit.

Offline Coladar

  • Posts: 2826
I've never been a member of the Morgan fan club. I don't give a crap how good a player is, I'm not a member of any player's fan club. I think he's an idiot and he is a bad baseball player but none of what he has done will make me hate him or any other player like this. That's ridiculous. But I have to  :lmao:  @ you talking all sorts of crap about Morgan and literally hating the man (I think you even posted that you hope a pig pitcher kicks his ass) yet you feel insulted by what he said.

I don't quite get the laughs or reasoning between the two. I'm guessing it's coming from a "You hate the guy, so why should anything he says surprise you or offend you/take anything he says to heart." I get that, which is why I've said if it turned people that loved him to hate him, what does it do to someone that already hated him?

But I do take offense at these comments. What we heard from Morgan when he came to DC was one thing. The fans in Pittsburg had turned on him, big shock there, and so we accepted it. The difference there is, the fans in DC never really turned on Morgan. The team never turned on Morgan, even. Let's look at his actions, first. He gets suspended a ridiculously long time, for ridiculous actions. Most every other team cuts him then and there. The Nats not only don't cut him, they start him the night he appeals his suspension! WTF? They even defend him in the press. Add in the season he had? An above average player might get cut by a team after everything he did last September. You factor in the season he had, the type of player he is career wise? The fact he didn't get cut, Morgan needs to consider a miracle. To spit in their faces after everything surrounding his suspension? The fact they started him the very next night?!? I've never seen a team support a player so clearly in the wrong so strongly in my life.

Then there's his awful play. Any sane team benches him last season, or moves him out of leadoff. Anyone with any intelligence moves him out of leadoff. But not the Nats. No, we keep him in leadoff. All season long. And it was a long season with Nyjer in leadoff. Then comes the Spring. Rizzo said in November Nyjer is our starting CF. At the start of ST, Riggleman says Nyjer is our CF. Then Nyjer comes into ST. And he looks exactly like he did last year, all year long. Horrible base running, bad defense, nearly getting into fights, and his offense was slightly below average. Meanwhile, he's got two guys who were expected to be bench guys, slightly outperforming him. Through this all, the fans supported him and rallied behind him, up until the day he was traded. And he insults them? So yeah, even though I had this morons number a year ago, those comments eat at me something fierce.

Even worse than that though is what he's saying about the team itself. They did more for him, put up with more from him, gave more chances to him, and let him depart on exceptionally good terms. They stuck with him for so incredibly long, and in the end just traded him... Not pulling a Patterson or Dukes, they just traded him, and not a surprise trade. After giving him an entire season that cost the team way more than one win. After his violent outbursts, his inside the park home run tantrum throwing his glove down, his awful base running, inability to get on base. Through it all the FO and manager stuck with him more than they have any other player, certainly more than any other team would have. And he has the balls to badmouth them after everything?  What, to earn some points in Milwaukee?

So yeah, I despised Morgan before this. And it's probably because of that and the fact everyone else supported him during that time, and he badmouths them now, that these comments piss me off even more than they piss off the people who cheered for him all along. In the grand scheme of things, this means next to nothing to me. He's one baseball player on a team I root for, and now he's not even that. But it's infuriating to say the least.

Offline cmdterps44

  • Posts: 15551
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Please make sure all the kids are cleared out of the stadium when you charge the field to knock Morgan down.  

The kids will be out of the stadium already because of the atrocious act on the field.

I just want to [censor] for giving us nothing... NOTHING!!!

Offline Coladar

  • Posts: 2826
The kids will be out of the stadium already because of the atrocious act on the field.

I just want to bean the man for giving us nothing... NOTHING!!!

Better be careful, people might expect because you wrote something on the Internet that you now intend to get on the mound and throw a baseball at Nyjer Morgan's head next week.

Offline Lintyfresh85

  • Posts: 35131
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I'm not a huge fan of Morgan... but I certainly don't want to see any fan violence against him.

Booing him is fine, though.

Offline cmdterps44

  • Posts: 15551
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Better be careful, people might expect because you wrote something on the Internet that you now intend to get on the mound and throw a baseball at Nyjer Morgan's head next week.

oh yeah I forgot about that article...

Offline comish4lif

  • Posts: 2934
  • Too Stressed to care.
I'm more in the "knucklehead" category. I'll save vile for truly vile people.

If you want to see how Prince Fielder feels about Nyjer Morgan, here's Morgan getting thrown out at home by Uggla a few days ago. Two things to looks for. Check out the face on Fielder after Morgan is thrown out. And in the second, wide angle replay, look at how small Morgan's lead is compared to the positioning of the 3B.

Offline spidernat

  • Posts: 76956
  • The Lerners are Cheap AND Crooked
Better be careful, people might expect because you wrote something on the Internet that you now intend to get on the mound and throw a baseball at Nyjer Morgan's head next week.

If this jerk turns up in DC next week still in PR mode and pulls some crap and/or showboats during his ABs, I'm going to have to be physically restrained from running on the field and knocking him on his ass. Literally, physically restrained.

  STFU Morgan or watch your back at Nationals Park!

Offline blue911

  • Posts: 18496
The only person that should worry about getting their ass kicked is Nathan.

Offline NatsDad14

  • Posts: 5241
I'll defend Morgan. He is right that he is finally playing in a baseball city. From going to cities where he played with 1.8 million fans to a city where he plays with 3 million fans. That is a huge difference.

Offline tomterp

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The only person that should worry about getting their ass kicked is Nathan.


Offline cmdterps44

  • Posts: 15551
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I'll defend Morgan. He is right that he is finally playing in a baseball city. From going to cities where he played with 1.8 million fans to a city where he plays with 3 million fans. That is a huge difference.

Offline mitlen

  • Posts: 66171
  • We had 'em all the way.
I'll defend Morgan. He is right that he is finally playing in a baseball city. From going to cities where he played with 1.8 million fans to a city where he plays with 3 million fans. That is a huge difference.

That's because the only other thing goin' on is Marquette.   There may be an NBA team there as well.  :)

Offline blue911

  • Posts: 18496
That's because the only other think goin' on is Marquette.   There may be an NBA team there as well.  :)

You're dissing brats

Offline mitlen

  • Posts: 66171
  • We had 'em all the way.
You're dissing brats

Nah, that was a sport's reference only.   I like Milwaukee ... HD/good ethnic parties downtown/great food and beer/Hank Aaron/Eddie Mathews/Warren Spahn/Joe Adcock/Harvey Haddix :).

Offline Nathan

  • Posts: 10726
  • Wow. Such warnings. Very baseball. Moderator Doge.
The only person that should worry about getting their ass kicked is Nathan.

You see, that's why I can't attend a Nats game now :(

Offline PowerBoater69

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You're dissing brats

Gotta visit Sheboygan for the best brats.

Offline NatsDad14

  • Posts: 5241
That's because the only other thing goin' on is Marquette.   There may be an NBA team there as well.  :)
If I'm not mistaken, I think they have a superbowl winning Football team. But I can't be sure about that.

Offline mitlen

  • Posts: 66171
  • We had 'em all the way.
If I'm not mistaken, I think they have a superbowl winning Football team. But I can't be sure about that.

I think they call that Green Bay   .....  116 miles.    That's like saying the Phillies won the pennant (almost  :)) living in DC.

Offline houston-nat

  • Posts: 19050
Wow, all that time I thought Marquette University was in Marquette, Michigan. I'm a dweeb.