Author Topic: John Lannan is a better man than I'll ever be  (Read 19104 times)

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Re: John Lannan is a better man than i'll ever be
« Reply #200: September 13, 2012, 02:44:06 PM »
I might be able to live with Lannan as an MLB average kind of innings eater at the back of the rotation for a year.  [...] I would look to Meyer, Purke, Rosenbaum, whoever in 2014, not 2016, which is when a slot would be open if we brought back Jackson at 3/$40MM.

All based on a no-injury assumption, though, right?  That's the part that worries me - maybe we have found four or five of the most durable high-performing power arms that there are, but two have already had TJ, so I'm going to worry every year about the health, and I like knowing Lannan (or somebody like him) was in AAA if one went down.  What I meant by "sort itself out in 2014" is that Meyer, Purke and Rosenbaum are all possible in 2014, but I'd much rather have one of them force their way in by being better than one of our current 5 rather than have to pull one in because we had an injury.  Much rather have a young power arm at AAA for an extra year because the rotation is just that good than end up one short because we didn't build in injury insurance.