Author Topic: Worst offensive performance in Nationals history - 2012 edition  (Read 15266 times)

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Offline comish4lif

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Are the umpires getting worse, or are television replays getting better- part of me thinks they've managed to find a new low, part thinks they've always been this bad

It's definitely tv. It wasn't all that long ago that there wasn't pitch track, pitch fx, and that "K-Zone" or whatever that box is called now. It used to be that a guy missed a pitch and that was it. Now, you can check pitch f/x, then the replay will show it in the K-Zone and finally, they'll give you the super-x-mo replay from 3 different angles.

I also think that the umps are a little more contentious, and personally, I think a great first step for the umps would be to just get help when asked.