Author Topic: The Nats' Offense is downright Offensive  (Read 7386 times)

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Offline Senators2005

  • Lake Ridge, VA
  • Posts: 12264
  • Go Natsssssss!
And again, I apologize if I am not dropping F-Bombs and acting like a 12 year old who lost his/her copy of the latest My Chemical Romance album.
No, you just drop F-Bombs on everyone who isn't happy with the situation.  That's the point you don't seem to understand - whenever anybody makes a complaint you start saying things like...

I quote: you're "acting like a 12 year old who lost his/her copy of the latest My Chemical Romance album." 

If you don't like it when people are critical...that's fine, but stop disrespecting them just because they are angry and need to vent.  Just move on.  But I've seen you argue with other people before NOTLD...and it's impossible for you to let anybody have the last I fully expect some kind of response coming soon.   :P