Author Topic: Jokes, Puns,Knock-Knocks, Humorous Stories for Amusement in the Off-Season  (Read 7579 times)

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Offline CatsEye

  • Posts: 1655
  • Very weird season -Creepy - What....
    A near - sighted whale was following the submarine. Every time it shot a torpedo, the whale passed out cigars.

    A dog owner takes his sick dog to the vet. The vet examines the dog and pronounces it terminally ill. The pet owner requests a second opinion. So the vet brings in his own kitten, and the kitten examines the sick dog and shakes his head. The pet owner requests another opinion. This time the vet brings in his Labrador retriever, who jumps up on the examining table with the sick dog, sniffs and licks it and then also shakes his head. The pet owner, now convinced, ask how much he owes the vet. The vet says he owed $650. The pet owner is surprised and ask why the bill is so high. The vet replies that the exam was only $50, but the additional $600 was for the cat scan and the lab test.

    Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?    He sold his soul to Santa.....

    And finally: A young man went on a job interview. The manager, conducting the interview, asked, "Where are your from, son?" The young man replied, "Minnesota sir."  "Oh really,why did you leave Minnesota?" asked the manager. The young man replied, "They're all just whores and hockey players up there."
"My wife is from Minnesota," responded the manager. The young man replied quickly, "Really! What team did she play for?"